About Me

My photo
"I always believe in LOVE STORIES and HAPPILY-EVER-AFTER. I always believe in FAIRYTALES and FICTIONS. I always believe in YOU and ME equals LOVE. All you need is a MIND that can PERCEIVE and a heart that always BELIEVE." I want to meet people with the same interest like me, people who can inspire someone/somebody. Meeting people is growing up. Growing up is maturity. Maturity means GOODNESS :3

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


We were wandering around SM Calamba, looking for the National Bookstore.
I was really fond of reading books to ease and relax my mind, broaden my reading and comprehension skills and of course, to enjoy. Suddenly, we passed by a BookSale(a store that bargains old stocks but real good books). And of course, being a book enthusiast, i hurriedly asked my peeps to wait for me coz i wanna buy a book.

I was scanning book by book when i bumped into a book entitled "The Christmas Box".
I hold it right in my hand and remembered that it was almost Christmas, and it's a good thing to read a story that will set my mood in this incoming holiday. But of course, i wanted to get best books so i searched again trying, to find better book from the one i'm holding. I looked shelves by shelves and saw the book "Blooded".
It's a novel subjecting vampires. At this time, we all know that vampire stories were a hit. But then, after troubling myself, i decided to buy the first one.
In my mind, it goes, "What's the sense of knowing vampires? Getting inspired and knowing real Christmas stories is worth bragging about."

The Christmas Box

“Whatever the reason, I find that with each passing Christmas the story of The Christmas Box is told less and needed more. So I record it now for all future generations to accept or dismiss as seems them good. As for me, I believe. And it is, after all, my story.”


So begins The Christmas Box, the touching story of a widow and the young family who moves in with her. Rick, Keri, and their 4-year-old daughter, Jenna, are hired as caretakers and are welcomed into the Victorian home of Mary Parkins, an elderly widow, just before the holiday season. As the relationship between Mary and the family develops we learn that Mary’s past sorrows are compelling her to share an important message with Richard. But will he understand her message in time? A heartwarming story of parental love, healing, and Christmas.

Friday, October 15, 2010

SM (Super Masikip/ Over Crowded)

this is really a tiring day ..
waking up as early as 6 in the morn' is really a challenge ..
went to the school for 2 final examinations ..
political science examination went well,
but trigonometry really fvcks me off ..
to replenish the stress from school pressure and exams aftershocks,
we decided to go to SM Calamba opening day (Oct. 15,2010).
i'm with hanna lebosada and hanna sanchez.
well, that's what i've thought.
but crap ! the place was overflowing with people.
you cannot even move easily.
geez. i should have stayed at home.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


if you only knew..
..how much i want to tell you i like you.
if only you knew..
..how much i wanna show that i care for you.
if you only knew..
..how much i wanna talk to you.
if you only knew..
..how much i wanna hold you.
if you only knew..
..how much i wanna laugh with you.
with this feeling,
everything seems so good.
yet i know it isn't right.
yet i know it's impossible.
all i can do is visit your page,
stare at your picture,
daydream about you and me.
but i can't even like your posts.
i can't even comment on it.
it's too depressing.
however, seeing your status being happy,
gives me a sense of relief.
i never understand why am i like this.
i've got a crush on too many good lookin' guys,
but you're different.
it's only you
who can make my heart beat so loud
whenever you're around.
and it's only you
who can make my heart stop beating whenever you throw your smile.
it's so refreshing.
it's so alluring.
i'm so captivated.
i'm so into it.
is this really just another crush?

Sunday, October 3, 2010


as i was scanning on my FB updates.
an idea strikes again.
(stalking my crush's profile.)
he rarely puts his pictures but
i really love lookin' at it over and over again.
i can really remember.
yesterday (oct.1 friday almost 11am)
my heart could really fell off from it's place.
right when i was really dying to answer my trigo quiz,
he suddenly came out from nowhere,
directly looking at me.
i almost blast from blushing.
he's really cute.
his presence distracts me so much.
but thanks to him,
that quiz turn out to be a SPECIAL one.
thanks crush :">

Sunday, September 26, 2010

FLIPTOP makes me smile c:

another messed up day ..
i was supposed to do my chores but still got no energy ..
the prob about my peeps makes me weaker and weaker each day ..
but i'm still hoping that it will back to normal soon ..
being too depressed ,
i don't have any reason to smile or laugh ..
shit happens and it passed as if it doesn't appear at all ..
this typical day really is as boring as hell ..
sitting at the couch holding my lappy ..
posting on my favorite Facebook page and waiting for the people's likes and comments ..
this is my ordinary day ..
but i promised myself that would work harder to show 'em that i still go competence ..
but where the heck on this fvckin' earth will i get my inspiration to do that ..
i was completely lost and i'm at the point of giving up ..
everything messed up and everything fvcked up like "what the eff? what have i done?"
i'm completely useless and as stubborn as rock ..
and just by now,
i saw a friend of mine accepted the sibling request from my other peep ..
i was like, "hey! did she send me one also? bet not."
it was really devastating but what's the point of frowning?
i will mess more if i continue to act like this..

too much ideas, and too much problems..
at least fliptop lines give me some break. c:

Saturday, September 25, 2010


LOL. my formspring is really at mess c:


i was suppose to attend the EElympics at Lyceum
but suddenly laziness strikes again.
i was totally preoccupied with my school mess,
and i don't have any strength to stand up from bed.
the feeling of loneliness still lingers on my veins.
i didn't attend the event and do my lazy regular day.
nothing so special.
net surfing, facebooking, page hopping, etc.
but this night is kinda special than ordinary c:
i found out that my big crushhhhhhhh :"> is online !
even if he don't talk to me.
i still felt some happiness over me. c:
owwww yessss.
at least there's a person who can cheer me up.
just seeing your name on my chatbox,
and for the fact that you're still awake just like me,
ohhhh that feel so special.
i feel so happy.
thanks CRUSH! :">

Friday, September 24, 2010


yesterday, i woke up feeling so depressed.
i'm feeling self pity more and more.
i was crying.
wishing and praying that everything went good as i want it to be.
thoughts are running through my mind.
it's really a heavy feeling.
i tried to smile and go on.
but today.
it grew worse.
i never expect this feeling.
torn and worn out.
inside and out.
emotional and physical.
what hurts the most is, NO ONE REALLY CARES!
everybody were fucked up in their own groups.
everyone laughs as if i'm not there.
if they only knew how envy i was.
and so..
i went home.
i went home all alone..
i managed to hold my tears while i'm riding my way home.
and so.
i eat. i eat until i'm full.
i eat until i feel bloated.
i eat until there's no space left inside my tummy.
i eat because i'm lonely.
i eat because i'm alone.
i eat because i have no one to lean on.
i eat coz i'm TORN.
yeah i'm TORN. :(

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


you know what's damn?
when the friends you got turn their backs.
as if they never knew you.
as if they were never your friends.
as if you're not here.
you're putting efforts but still it's unseen.
you don't know the reason behind it.
you don't even have the chance to ask what's going on.
it suck.
this feeling really is frustrating.
heartbroken hurts.
but this one kills.
feeling of deserted.
feeling of alone.
no one to cheer you up.
no one cares for you.
and this is really a damn.
it's a big DAMN! :(

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


i don't really understand, why am i feeling this way.
everything seems fucked up.
everything seems messed up.
i don't know what's the problem w/ myself.
i'm too stubborn.
i don't know why ~ i really really don't know.
it's just that, i'm feeling that i have no energy to move.
i'm telling myself that i should grow up.
that i should learn to be more responsible,
and more sensible in everything that i do.
careless and worthless. that's the sense i'm feeling right now.
question i don't know how to answer.
i'm in doubt that my parents nor my friend can help me out.
i'm by myself.
i'm gone.
i'm lost.
i'm confused.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

love or hate

its just so weird ..
way back from ffs addiction times,i was actually playing .. yeah .. as in literally playing >:]
i get to know many people,extend my social network and find some enemies too ..
well,this is one guy who always tackle me, (uh.,not literally >_< )..
he always see the wrong in me .. and even became so annoying when he suddenly brings out his "i am cool" side .. yeah he's cool .. as in !
i certainly hate him .. he's been callin' me some endearments and it really pissed me off ..
i really really hate him .. i swear !
funny at first ..
it was like ..
woah ! why should i love him ?
i totally hate him !

but one day,
a message in the inbox bothers me ..
well you know ..
thats how it all started :p

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

boy or man?

boy ^^

interrogate me :]]

am i boring?

hell NO !

interrogate me :]]

favorite sports?

badminton ^^

interrogate me :]]

fantasy or reality?


interrogate me :]]

cry or laugh?

cry ;(

interrogate me :]]

want to hear my voice?

haha ^^ oo nmn yes !

interrogate me :]]

dance or sing?

dance ^^

interrogate me :]]

pop o rock?

pop .. ^^ super ..

interrogate me :]]

just stare or talk with you??

talk ^^
yoko matunaw ..

interrogate me :]]

hug or kiss?

kiss :**

interrogate me :]]

um .. pede po mging friend sa facebook??

sure .. add me up ^^

interrogate me :]]

pafollow pu.. follow na kita.. ^_^

sure :]

interrogate me :]]

galit ka??

nope :]

interrogate me :]]

kelan ka magloload??

haha .. i really dont know ..

interrogate me :]]

iiwasan mo ba ako???

nope and never .. ^^

interrogate me :]]

can i be right at your side?

always ^^

interrogate me :]]

love or hate? :P

love <3

interrogate me :]]

singkit o bilog ang mata?

singkit ^^

interrogate me :]]

logic o math? :P

logic na lang .. i really hate math .. >_<

interrogate me :]]

continue or stop?

continue ? walang aayaw ! think positive ^^

interrogate me :]]

brb ako manang.. :) hihintayin mo ba ako?

oo naman manong .. go lang ..

interrogate me :]]

roses or chocolates??

chocolates :)

interrogate me :]]

wat is your full name?? :P

zyrah jane umali :D

interrogate me :]]

ah ganun ba?aus lng un... ako si anonymous...pde naman kita mahalin dba??

aw >.< anonymous? di ata ok yun .. di kita know T^T

interrogate me :]]

bakit nahulog ang loob ko sau???

aw >.<
sino ka po ba ? di ko po alam eh ..

interrogate me :]]

bakit d ka pa nakain???

waaaa >.< kumain na ko manong :P

interrogate me :]]

sino nagmamay ari ng puso mo???

hmmm .. alam na nya yun ^^

interrogate me :]]


i will ask you ^^ yeah manong :))

interrogate me :]]

wahaha..i'm porky..i can be ur babe :P

yes you're my babe :*

interrogate me :]]

pwde bang sakin nlng puso mo??:)

nasayo na diba? :">
:@) porky ~

interrogate me :]]

may nagmamay ari na ba ng puso mo??

uhm .. i'm single pero my heart is TAKEN :) so .. YES :">

interrogate me :]]

ei te formspring me too :)) x_x edit ka naman teh ng pic ng lIkers salamat aaahhaa :)

nagedit na ko pogi :)hehe XD

interrogate me :]]

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

If you were beside me, i'd stare at you,look deep into your eyes while holding you very tight...And as i look at your face, i'd close my eyes and pray...I' wish to god...God... Sana 4life maging akin lang sya... 12:32am

:( speechless ..

interrogate me :]]

its GAIA?

yup :)
yun nilalaro ko .. join ka ? XD

interrogate me :]]

i have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it.. oww mayy.... :c

awww :( ano ba prob rai ?

interrogate me :]]

all I know ayra is that you love me…. but its only in my dreams. . . T_T 11:50pm

aw :| anu ba to ? O.O

interrogate me :]]

ur the one who makes me unpredictable even though i'm a happy go lucky person :P

1 point ^^

interrogate me :]]

ur the one who makes me unpredictable even though i'm a happy go lucky person :P

1 point ^^

interrogate me :]]

ur the one who makes me unpredictable even though i'm a happy go lucky person :P

1 point ^^

interrogate me :]]

I just want you to love me too :).coz i need you badly.seriously :)

can't believe you're saying these things ..
krai is mr.unpredictable ^^

interrogate me :]]

how did u make me fall inlove with you?:) what's ur secret everytime i visit ur wall my mood changes and it make's me very happy?:) how do u make me smile every time when ur commenting on my wall posts even though it's always LMAO?:)

i don't know :">
kilig na ko .. LMAO XD

interrogate me :]]

T_T so sad. . . . . . . . .

aw .. sad ka ..

interrogate me :]]

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

ee ikaw bkit parang ang liit liit mo.. ? :)

hahaXDD hndi po parang .. maliit po talaga ko .. wag mo na paka diin pa :]]

interrogate me :]]

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

followed u na :* :)

solomot crush ^^

interrogate me :]]

followed :)

thanks ^^

interrogate me :]]

wahahah *peace* -kiss- *wink* <3

haha .. *hugs* bunny dam dam :)

interrogate me :]]

Are you a morning or night person?

im a night person ^^ actually, a nocturnal :P

interrogate me :]]

d nga? love mo ko? :D

ayaw pa mo bunny ? :))

interrogate me :]]

love mo ba ako? :D

supeer dupeer lovee dovee :))

interrogate me :]]

follow n ln6 puh kta aa... :))

thanks ya ;) followed back :*

interrogate me :]]

Can you give me piso? :P

sure :P lalabs kita kua eh .. P1.00 << piso mo

interrogate me :]]

wala mas cute pa dn miming ko sau ayra hahahah

mas cute ako sa miming mo :P

interrogate me :]]

sinong LOVE mo ?

si mama :))

interrogate me :]]

followed :D you said ate zhy ? do i know u po ba ? :)

yup :P alumni of holy redeemer :)

interrogate me :]]

Thanks for following. Followed back :)

thanks ;)

interrogate me :]]

pogii ka ba ?

ndi lang pogi .. suuuubrang pogi pa :P

interrogate me :]]

Monday, April 12, 2010

seven [7]

how significant seven(7) is ?

you came across a street ..
you are feeling thirsty ..
you want something to quench your thirst ..
it's like, you we're suppose to be dehydrated ..
but where can you fvcking find a store,
at almost 1:00 A.M.

then, you see a glowing sign saying
7/11 [open 24 hrs]
your worries we're gone ..
you hurriedly went inside ..
you browse the store's fridge..
but heck !
all of these drinks we're so expensive :|
oh there !
i saw something ..
7 UP [freedom from thirst]
looks enticing huh ?
you can afford this :)
you bought one and give yourself a treat :)

next day,
you're kinda cramming on your school works ..
you're teacher said you have to finish and pass them after one week ..
and you thought,
"at least i have 7 days to get things done .."

can you see how simple 7 helps life ?

for me,
i can't count ways how
this number change my life ..
for a month ..
it keeps me smiling
from the morning when i wake up..
till night when i close my eyes ..
seven is the only number that
i see when i roam in the streets ..

hope 7 knows how special it is ..
coz even if i can't do anything for seven ..
i'll treasure all the changes,
great changes it made in my life..
and i'll cherish it ..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness :D

it's really funny that even if you having
an incurable pain ..
you can still smile ..
you can still hope ..
you can still dream ..

maybe i'm just taking things too seriously .. and so i end up affecting the aura of the people around me .. on how they act.. on how they talk .. on how they deal with you, and so on ..

happiness is escaping your self doubt, self sorrow, self anger, self pity, self agony and anything that affects you inside .. it is finding way how to fulfill your likes, your wants, your desires and all the things your heart is asking .. some times, happiness can the the one you love, one you envy, one you admire,one you had a crush on, and many more .. happiness can also be a chocolate bar, a sundae, a pizza, a pasta, or a ny food you're craving for ..

and now,
i know who holds my happiness ..
yes .. it is him ..
he holds me in my heart ..
there's a pinch in that is tingling
whenever i see his name ..
he's everywhere ..
he's my chocolate bar, he's my adored person, and yes !
he's my happiness ..

but what i hate the most is,
at the end of the day ..
no commitments,
no relationship,
no formal involvement..
just a plain pursuit ..



Thursday, April 8, 2010


have you ever felt being so treasured ? being so loved ?
being so important ?
feeling like
you're the last piece of
chocolate everyone's craving for ?
if you do,
maybe you can relate
to what i'm feeling now :)

i thought that after that
tragedy ..
i will find myself
weeping alone ..
but i was wrong ..
i found friends who cares for me ..
i found friends who loves me ..
and friends that will always be there
when times get tough ^^

a bliss of happiness covering my spine :3
a new inspiration is coming ..
kissing my pains away ..
paving it's way on my heart ..
give me efforts that
i never thought he couldn't give ..
give me time that
i know he shouldn't give ..

i'm feeling my worth again ..
and i feel my value
is raising :)
i'm feeling like
i'm a chick
valued over a billion dollar ..

true as it can be ..
sadness is erased is a blink ..
worthlessness is gone ..

self conceit is back ..
and i'm feeling prettier ..
much as ever !

` zj

boredom :| ugh !

wew ..
boredom strikes again ..
i wake up at 11am ..
almost noon :P
eat my brunch
breakfast/lunch :)
this day kinda weird ..
a new start for me ..

i don't really understand
why people should be on
and then split at the end ..
(do i really don't understand? or
i just don't wanna understand it?)

well anyways,
i spent my whole day
stocked in my room ..
listening to
i set my cellphone'e MP3
in repeat mode..
repeating only 4 songs :)
2.one less lonely girl
3.first dance
4.favorite girl
i'm not that obsessed !
(nah i'm not !)
alright, i am :P
play it several times..
i guess almost 20 times
repeating and repeating the
same songs again :D

i'm really looking forward on our
highschool batch 08-09 swimming :)
really miss them a lot ..
old friends are really same as
buried treasures ^^

love lots


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


i really love the lyrics of this song ^^

hope you guys appreciate it too :)

Its your chance take her hand to the floor (to the floor)
Girl if you see something you like then let him know
Cause you only got one chance it your first dance
So take advantage of the slow dance
Yeah man
When I close my eyes I see me and you at the prom,
We’ve both been waitng so long for this day
To come now that it’s here lets make it special
There’s so many thoughts in my mind the DJ’s playing
My favorite song ain’t no chaperone’s this could be
The night of your dream.
If you give, give the first dance to me girl I promise
I’ll be gentle I know we gotta do it slowly if you give,
Give your first dance to me im gon cherish every moment,
Cause It only happens once, once in a life time.
I couldn’t ask for more we’re rockin’ back and fourth
Under the disco ball we’re the only ones on the floor
[we’re here tonight], So many thoughts in my mind the DJ’s playing
My favorite song now we’re all alone, here’s the opportunity
Only if you give,

Give the first dance to me girl I promise i’ll be gentle
I know we gotta do it slowly if you give, give the first dance
To me im gon cherish every moment, cause it only happens once, once
In a life time.
Everybody says that we look cute together lets make this a night
The two us remember, no teachers around to see us dancin’ close
I’m tellin’ you our parents will never know before the lights go
Up and the music turns off now’s the perfect time for me to taste
Your lipgloss, your glass slippers in my hand right here, we’ll
Make it before the clock strikes nine.
If you give, give the first dance to me girl I promise
I’ll be gentle but we gotta do it slowly if you give,
Give the first dance to me im gon cherish every moment,
Cause It only happens once, once in a life time
Its your chance take her hand to the floor (to the floor)
Girl if you see something you like then let him know
Cause you only got one chance it your first dance
So take advantage of the slow dance
Yeah man
If you give, give the first dance to me im gon cherish
Every moment cause it only happens once, once in a life

IM BROKE :| again

for a year and few months
i never been attached to anyone
flirt/fling :|
coz i think, i'm stillI
but it came to a point where
love has find it's way
to make me realize that
and yeah ..
i said to myself i know i moved on ..

one day,
I visit a game page of
a friend of mine ..
bored and sort of ,
i found a small chatroom
at his page ..
may people are talking..
so i decided to join in ..
and so i came to know a
name *** ..
greeting and acceptance is warm ..
exchange of YMs takes place ..

and all became a history ..
a few months I guess,
we've been talking a lot :|
until falling became the topic ..

a date i am not regretting to experience ..

but many thing come up ..

misunderstanding,time,schedules and everything..
all thing became a conflict :|

and now


we're done :|